The Humanoid Project, a project based in Sweden, has accomplished its initial objective of producing a full-size humanoid robot. Although the project generated a variety of software created for a variety of purposes, the most notable contributions have been in the area of robot learning, particularly in the application of evolutionary algorithms based on linear genetic programming.
The project has produced robots which are able to learn mobility, progressing from basic crawling to stair climbing.[1] Although hundreds of robots have been constructed, the most notable include Elvis, Elvina, and full-size humanoid Priscilla. Elvis was the first humanoid robot used in Sweden in advanced AI / robotics research in The Humanoid Project on self-developing robotic control. The robot hardware was conceptualized and designed by Marcus Tallhamn and Manne Kihlman.[2] Priscilla was the first full-size humanoid robot created in Sweden.
Project Coordinators are Peter Nordin and Krister Wolff.[3]